The Ukrainian media outlets, including “Interfax-Ukraine”, “UNIAN” news agencies, “Golos” and other news portals have published articles highlighting the provocation committed by the Armenian armed forces in the territories of Azerbaijan.
The articles drew the readers` attention to the statements issued by the Ministry of Defense and Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan on the Armenian provocation.
“All responsibility for the provocation committed by the Armenian armed formations on March 5 lies with the military-political leadership of Armenia. The fact that Armenia is still transporting military supplies to the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan is a continuation of the aggression and terror policy of this country against Azerbaijan.
These actions once again prove the need to apply the border control regime between Azerbaijan and Armenia. In order to prevent such military provocations, the Azerbaijani side demands the implementation of the trilateral statement, the cessation of the illegal transportation of weapons and ammunition, personnel and mines from Armenia, as well as the immediate withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the territories of Azerbaijan,” the articles emphasized.