The proposal of the Russian Federation to provide a platform for Armenia-Azerbaijan talks on a peace treaty remains in force, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a commentary issued on Thursday, according to TASS.

“If Armenian partners are really interested in solving the outlined problems within the framework of the comprehensive implementation of trilateral agreements at the highest level, then instead of engaging in scholasticism, it is necessary to continue joint work. Russia’s proposal to provide a platform for Armenian-Azerbaijani talks on a peace treaty stands,” the diplomat said.

Zakharova recalled that a meeting of Armenian and Azerbaijani top diplomats on the peace treaty was scheduled for December 23, 2022 in Moscow, and the two leaders agreed to it. “Everything was prepared for it. But it was the Armenian leadership who at the last moment cancelled the arrival of its Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan. This hindered the discussion not only of the peace agreement, but also of other pressing issues of Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization, including the situation around the Lachin corridor,” the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said.

According to Zakharova, Yerevan’s agreement to base the peace treaty with Baku on the Alma-Ata Protocols of 1991, which was enshrined in the statement on the results of the summit in Prague in October 2022, radically changed the logic of the negotiation process. “The Alma-Ata Protocols confirmed the inviolability of the borders that existed between the republics of the Soviet Union. At that time, the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region was part of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic. Of course, this fact is very difficult to ignore in the peace process between Baku and Yerevan,” the diplomat summarized.