Thirty-three years have passed since the events of Bloody January. As is the case every year, the people of Azerbaijan remember the martyrs of 20 January with deep respect this year too.

Large crowds have been moving towards the Alley of Martyrs since early morning of 20 January. Coupled with sadness, the feeling of pride can be observed on the faces of people coming to this holy place. Because 20 January is inscribed in the history of our nation not only as a tragedy, but also as a page of heroism and wisdom.

People of all walks of life are among those coming to the Alley of Martyrs – ghazis of the Patriotic War, soldiers, representatives of public institutions, veterans, young people, and schoolchildren. This is a manifestation of people’s respect and reverence for the dear memory of the heroic children of the Motherland.

We recall that in the early hours of 20 January 1990, units of the Soviet army and special forces, as well as a contingent of internal troops, carried out an act of military aggression against Azerbaijan. In an effort to suppress the demonstrations held as a sign of protest against the deportation of hundreds of thousands of our compatriots from Western Azerbaijan and Armenia’s groundless territorial claims against Karabakh, the Soviet army rolled on Baku and the regions to stifle the national liberation movement and committed an unprecedented massacre against the civilian population. As a result, 150 civilians were killed and more than 700 people were seriously injured.

On the morning following the tragic events, National Leader Heydar Aliyev went to the permanent representative office of Azerbaijan in Moscow, vehemently condemned this heinous crime committed against the Azerbaijani people, and demanded punishment of the guilty.

The first political and legal assessment of the tragedy of 20 January at state level was given by great Heydar Aliyev. The martyrs were immortalized, 20 January was declared the Day of National Mourning, and social protection of the families of the martyrs and disabled persons was strengthened.

Continuing this policy, President Ilham Aliyev pays special attention to the disabled and families of martyrs of 20 January. Health centers have been established for the rehabilitation of the disabled, apartments and cars have been handed out to disabled people and families of the martyrs of 20 January. This year, the amount of the presidential pension for the families of 20 January martyrs and wounded people has also been increased.

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The martyrs’ blood did not remain unavenged. Our people have regained independence and our territorial integrity has been restored. The troubled souls of the martyrs of 20 January finally found peace after the historic Victory won in the 44-day Patriotic War under the leadership of President of Azerbaijan and Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev.

Our dear martyrs are remembered today by our compatriots living in the regions of Azerbaijan and in foreign countries.