The Iraq-Azerbaijan Friendship Society has issued a statement regarding the torture of the two Azerbaijani servicemen detained in Armenia. The statement, published in “Mustaqbil”, “Elamin news”, “Al Nahar news” and other media outlets of Iraq, underlines that the pictures and videos circulated on social networks of Armenia clearly confirm the cases of physical torture and inhuman treatment against the captured Azerbaijani servicemen.
As underlined in the statement, Armenia has breached its obligations under the Geneva Convention, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The brutal beating of Azerbaijani soldiers reveals the existence of religious and ethnic discrimination in all forms in Armenia.
The Iraq-Azerbaijan Friendship Society strongly condemned any use of torture and ill-treatment towards Azerbaijani servicemen and called on international organizations to give a legal assessment of violence, and also comment on the fact that for nearly 30 years some 3,890 military and civilian Azerbaijani personal went missing during occupation of the Azerbaijani lands by Armenia.
The photos published by the portals feature both an Azerbaijani serviceman who helps a wounded Armenian soldier, and the Armenians who use violence against Azerbaijani soldier.