The fact of torture of Azerbaijani soldiers captured by Armenia caused a great protest of Azerbaijanis living in Switzerland.
A statement, addressed to the international organizations on the behalf of Coordination Council of Swiss Azerbaijanis clarifies under what weather conditions Azerbaijani soldiers Babirov Agshin ,born in 2004, and Akhundov Huseyn, born in 2003 were captured and draws attention to the fact that the soldiers of Azerbaijani Army were tortured and inhumanly treated. This incident was assessed as a gross violation of international humanitarian laws by Armenia.
Relevant international organizations were informed that investigation and properly evaluation of the above-indicated violence, including the violence committed by Armenia against Azerbaijani prisoners of war and civilian prisoners, and 3,890 missing Azerbaijanis over the past 30 years should be carried out.
The statement one more time underlines the breach of obligations by Armenia under the Geneva Convention, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
Condemning the fact of torture, Coordination Council of Swiss Azerbaijanis called on the local community and international organizations to investigate the fact of violence, give a proper legal evaluation and demanded the immediate and unconditional release of the Azerbaijani servicemen.