“In recent days, inaccurate comments about the chronology of the terrorist attack appeared in some social networks and media resources. The main reason for this was incorrect links to timing in video materials. In this regard, we inform you that the cameras of the embassy, which go out into the street, show the time 24 minutes earlier than real time. This difference is due to some technical factors,” said Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the details of the terrorist attack committed against the embassy of Azerbaijan in Iran.
“The commission of a terrorist crime on Friday, which is a holiday in Iran, with the intention of minimizing the possible circumstances that could prevent the commission of the crime, gun with a fully equipped magazine, a Colt-type pistol and a “Molotov cocktail”, a weapon for strikes and other means, the non-interference of the Iranian police in the terrorist attack, all these facts give reason to think about a pre-planned event,” the ministry underlined.