“Azeraeronavigation” Air Traffic Control Administration (AZANS) of AZAL is taking part in a landmark event for the aviation industry – the international air traffic management exhibition “Airspace World”, held in Geneva from March 8-10.
The exhibition space “Airspace World” with an area of 32,000 square meters is a meeting place for organizations and people who control the sky of tomorrow. It brought together key players of manned and unmanned aviation to work jointly on a plan for the future of the sky, as well as international organizations including CANSO, ICAO, IATA, EUROCONTROL, EASA, ACI and others.
The participation of AZANS at “Airspace World” has provided opportunities to demonstrate the development of civil aviation in Azerbaijan, significantly expand ties and strengthen positions in the industry, as well as attract the attention of international organizations working in the field of advanced technologies.
Within the framework of the exhibition, productive meetings and negotiations on cooperation took place between representatives of AZAL (AZANS) and organizations Aireon, INDRA, DFS/UFA, NG Aviation, VIBE, DG EUROCONTROL, Leonardo, and ERA.
As part of the meetings and negotiations, agreements were concluded:
– About the partnership with Aireon in the development of advanced solutions for the analysis of large amounts of data in the aviation industry for applications aimed at improving safety, efficiency and reducing the impact of flights on the environment;
– About the cooperation of AZANS with NG Aviation, aimed at improving the digitization of aeronautical data in order to achieve a higher level;
– About the establishment of a branch of the German Academy of Air Navigation at the National Aviation Academy for theoretical and practical training of air traffic controllers “Azeraeronavigation”;
– About the acquisition of a modern 360 3D-Tower training complex and ACC/APP, necessary for advanced training of air traffic controllers in multifunctional, large-sized and real air traffic conditions. The contract for the acquisition of the simulator complex was signed with UFA.
The goals of further cooperation on the development of the air navigation infrastructure of Azerbaijan; the possibility of supplying navigation systems for the third international airport under construction in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan, in Lachin were also discussed.
In addition, the importance of Azerbaijan’s airspace in the global aviation supply chain was stressed and a desire was expressed to expand cooperation in the field of flight management to ensure the most efficient use of airspace and dynamic air flow management in the region.