Ombudsperson of Azerbaijan Sabina Aliyeva together with her National Preventive Group members within the NPM jurisdiction make regular visits to the facilities, which persons cannot leave on their own will.

She paid regular visits to the facilities where Armenian nationals, imprisoned for the criminal offenses committed in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan as sabotage-terror groups after the cessation of military operations by the tripartite statement of November 10, 2020 signed by the leaders of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Armenia. Pphysicians and psychologists of the NPM Group also joined those visits.

Ombudsman of Azerbaijan Sabina Aliyeva and her NPM Group members had private talks with the detained nationals of Armenia, along with other detainees. The legislative acts on the appeal mechanisms in their languages were presented to those persons.

During on-site visits, the issues related to detention conditions in cells, including their conditions, size, lighting, ventilation, personal hygiene and sanitary, healthcare service, and nutrition, were investigated.

Furthermore, during the systematic visits, the delegation observed compliance with the requirements of the relevant legal norms concerning those persons and ensuring their rights, including the necessary healthcare and psychological services. In addition, the interviewed detainees did not complain about their detention condition, treatment, access to phone calls, correspondences and access to healthcare services. It was observed that the cells were provided with literature and information leaflets (also in their languages), and those detained persons were provided with unhindered meeting opportunities with the ICRC representatives.

The trial proceedings of those accused persons were also kept in focus and independent observations were carried out along with the visits.

At the time of monitoring, they recorded that human rights and freedoms were ensured. The accused were provided with lawyers and interpreters with all legal opportunities provided.