Azerbaijan`s Minister of Defense, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov has met with a delegation led by Italian Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto.

First, a solemn welcoming ceremony was held at the Ministry of Defense. The defense ministers of both countries passed along the guard of honor and the national anthems of Azerbaijan and Italy were performed.

Guido Crosetto signed the “Book of Honor” in accordance with the protocol.

Then Colonel General Zakir Hasanov welcomed the guests and expressed satisfaction to see them in Azerbaijan.

The minister of defense informed the delegation about the military-political situation emerged in the region after the Patriotic War.

It was emphasized that cooperation between Azerbaijan and Italy in the field of military education, as well as within the framework of NATO, continues rapidly, and these relations are highly valued.

Colonel General Zakir Hasanov noted that this visit is the beginning of a new stage of development in the field of Azerbaijan-Italy military cooperation.

Guido Crosetto, in his turn, expressed gratitude for the hospitality and highlighted the importance of developing military cooperation between the two countries.

The significance of mutual visits in the development of relations between the countries based on strategic partnership was emphasized.

During the meeting, the further expansion of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Italy in the military, military-technical, and military-educational spheres, as well as other issues of mutual interest were discussed.

In the end, the defense ministers of both countries signed a protocol of intent on cooperation in the field of training and education.