On December 28, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Azerbaijan Anne Bouillon was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a note of protest addressed to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France was presented to the other party.

During the meeting, deep concern was expressed about the expansion and continuation of the campaign based on open slander and prejudice against Azerbaijan by several French political forces against the backdrop of a lack of a necessary response from the French government, as well as the allegations contained in a letter addressed a few days ago to the President of France on behalf of the leaders of the political forces represented in the French Parliament were strongly rejected.

In this context, the unacceptability of unfounded accusations against Azerbaijan, and calls for actions in the spirit of encroachment on sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country in the mentioned letter was noted.

It was emphasized that the said letter is a continuation of a series of anti-Azerbaijani measures and statements carried out purposefully and systematically, including the adoption of resolutions full of groundless accusations against Azerbaijan by both chambers of the French Parliament.

The Azerbaijani side brought to the attention of the French ambassador the need to take appropriate measures in order to immediately stop the campaign carried out by the French government against Azerbaijan.