The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman), Sabina Aliyeva, is still on a working trip in Hungary.
Throughout the course of the visit, the Ombudsman participated in the international conference of the Association of the Ombudsmen and National Human Rights Institutions of the Turkic States (TURKOMB), organized by the Hungarian Ombudsman in Budapest.
Aliyeva reported at the conference attended by the ombudsmen and representatives from Hungary, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, outlining the measures taken as a part of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in our country, the improvement of the legislation, and a number of innovations to be put into practice.
She told about the Ombudsman’s and the National Preventive Group’s (NPG) monitoring of issues of treatment of detainees, as well as the scheduled and ad hoc visits to penitentiary institutions and other places that persons cannot leave of their own free will. She brought to the attention of the participants that 201 preventive visits were undertaken to places where people can leave voluntarily in total last year.
She noted that during the visits, the Ombudsman and NPG members met with detainees privately, as well as doing collective meetings and awareness talks.
The Ombudsman said that she releases annual NPM reports and added that more than 200 recommendations and suggestions regarding the improvement of the legal frameworks are included in the reports prepared so far. She also said that she made recommendations and suggestions for ensuring the inmates’ right to health, providing them with the possibility of video communication with their family members and relatives, and other issues.